题目描述 Imagine you have an infinite 2D plane with Cartesian coordinate system. Initially, all the integral points are painted as white. You are given two integers n, and m. Please paint exactly n integral points to black such that there are exactly m pairs of points which satisfy the following conditions:
- The two points are colored by different colors.
- the two points are adjacent. We call two integral points$(x1,y1)and(x2,y2)$being adjacent if and only if$x1-x2+y1-y2=1$(v means the absolute value of v.)
- The x and y coordinates of all black points are in the range$[-10^9,10^9]$
The first line contains one integer t $(1\leq t\leq 10^3)$— the number of test cases. The only line of each test case contains two integers n and m $(1\leq n \leq 50, 1\leq m \leq 200)$
For each test, if there exists at least one configuration to choose n points to satisfy the conditions given by statement, you should print n+1 line for this test. The first line contains one string “Yes”. And the following n lines contain the coordinator of these n points which is colored as black. If there are no solution, please print one line containing only one string “No”.
输入 $6$ $5$ $20$ $1$ $2$ $1$ $3$ $1$ $4$ $1$ $5$ $3$ $8$
输出 $Yes$ $1$ $1$ $2$ $2$ $3$ $3$ $4$ $4$ $5$ $5$ $No$ $No$ $Yes$ $1$ $1$ $No$ $Yes$ $1$ $1$ $1$ $2$ $2$ $1$
然后我们需要先找出n个黑点组成点对的上下界。 上界:$4_n$ 下界:$2_(a+b)$
由下界可知,令$x=(2*(a+b))/2-1$,所以这$x$个黑点组成“$L$”的形状,这个“L”的形状长为$a$,宽为$b$,这就知道为什么要减一了,因为“$L$”的折点会被算上两次。所以m个点对最少由$x$个黑点组成,最多由$a*b$个黑点组成。则当$x>m$时,则将$L$中的$x-m$个黑点移走并使得每个黑点组成4个点对,那么总点数$x += 2$,直到总点对等于$m$,$x<m$时,然后将黑点依次加入到“$L$”中(最多就是一个方形,所以还要判断一下,如果$a*b<n$,那么就不符合,输出$No$),那么每加一个黑点总点数$mm -= 2$,直到$x=n$
- $m< 4 m为奇数 m>4*n时,无解$
- $m = 4*n正好匹配,有解$
- $若n>a*b,无解$
- $判断x和m的大小关系。x>m时,加孤立黑点(有四个点对),x<m时,往“L”里加黑点,并且加在和两个黑点相邻的位置,有解$
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